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Reaching for the SKY

Voove were approached by SKY In-Home Services earlier in Summer (2017) with a view to taking on the SKY Installation and Servicing contract for the Western Isles, from the Butt of Lewis to Vatersay. Covering over 14,000 households and businesses.

We are pleased to announce that we have agreed to take this on for the foreseeable future. This contract with SKY is managed centrally from 2 main offices on the Isle of Benbecula, we have since opened a satellite office in HS1 (Stornoway).

As the only technology company with offices and engineers across the Western Isles archipelago, we are well positioned to ensure rapid feet on the ground support as well as a consistent level of service required to meet our clients’ service levels. In order to maintain the highest level of standards and compliance, all engineers are employed directly by Voove.



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